We are now Transporting on Spring Hours

Updated 04/14/2024

Current Sunrise & Sunset Times are:  6:30 AM - 7:30 PM

The earliest pick up time for Susanville, CA is 6:30 AM

The earliest pick up time for Herlong, CA is 7:30 AM

The earliest pick up time for Eagle Lake, CA is 5:30 AM

The earliest pick up time for Alturas and Cal Pines, CA is 7:30 AM

Please use Google Maps to discover what your trip time is or call us! We're happy to help!

When calling for your Doctor appointments please be sure to request an appropriate time.

Note the examples below


The earliest delivery of a Susanville patient to Stanford or San Francisco should be 12:30 PM

The earliest delivery of a Susanville patient to Sacramento should be 10:30 AM

The earliest delivery of a Susanville patient to Redding should be 8:00 AM

The earliest delivery of an Eagle Lake patient to Redding should be 9:00 AM

The earliest delivery of a Herlong patient to Redding should be 10:00 AM

The earliest delivery of an Alturas patient to Redding should be 10:00 AM

We will make exceptions for surgical procedures but

Patients need to advise surgical staff that they are transporting from

Lassen, Plumas or Modoc County up to 3 hours away.

They will work with you but you must communicate with them.

We try not to run 44, 32, 36 or 395 in the dark as

the wildlife is much to prevalent and the risk of hitting wildlife is extremely high.


Always give your actual appointment time.

Do not allow the PHC Reps to add time to your appointment.

We will add the time needed to get you to your appointment on time.
If you add time you may be sitting at your doctors office much to early.

Once you arrive at the facility you will need to go into the facility to wait.

Your caregivers must be with you at all times.

State of CA does not allow friends or others to transport with you.

Since this is an ambulatory service Caregivers must qualify under State rules.

We assist patients in getting in and out of the vehicle.

We assist patients with walkers, wheelchairs and oxygen tanks.

Thank you!